May 25

The Most Precious Gifts are Priceless


Welcome to this week’s Marketing for Romance Writers 52-week Blog Challenge (#MFRW) with the topic of The Best Gift I Ever Got. I’ve gotten many wonderful gifts over the years, but much of the time, the giver doesn’t always realize how much I appreciate them. That’s my introvert side showing. I’m not the best at revealing just how deeply I’m touched by a gift. It’s why I thrive more on giving gifts (Psst— next week’s topic).

But there is one gift that really stood out—but it wasn’t actually the gift, this is an example of when it was truly the thought that counts.

I’m Slightly Obsessed with Time

I’ve become more focused on time. As the years seem to fly by faster, and my obligations, responsibilities and tasks seem writer giftto be never ending.  It’s no secret for anyone who may have noticed my too-many calendars, clocks in every room and my ever-present watch. I’m constantly trying to do it all—and not always succeeding.

Thus, I’ve frequently informed my family that the best gift would be to give me time. Take care of the cleaning, groceries or other chores so I can just focus on what I want to do most—write. But, alas, this is a gift for another day, because so far no one else wants to take up that burden either, even for a short time.

The Gift of Deciding

With so many tasks and decisions demanding room in my thoughts, my mind becomes fatigued. There’s actually a name for this mental fatigue. It’s called decision fatigue. (I wrote a freelance article about it here, it you’d like to learn more). So, when I’m asked where I want to eat, what are we doing for this, where do I want to go, sometimes—I just don’t know.

I’m too tired to even consider it. #MFRW Sometimes the best #gift is knowing just what to give. Click To Tweet

But, a few years back, on a milestone birthday, the hubs and my girls gave me the best gift. They decided on everything themselves, leaving my mind free to wander and relax.

It Wasn’t Just the Gift

The “gift” was fabulous—a surprise weekend at a spa with the hubs! But that wasn’t the best part. It was the surprise. He told me to pack for the weekend, and gave a few suggestions what to bring. He’d made all the decisions. All I had to do was get ready to go. Granted, the hubs knows me pretty well after all these years, so he knows what I like.

Scruff toys
Scruff trying to decide on what to play with next.

The girls were too young to go buy a gift on their own. Instead they prepared my breakfast (this was a few years back, believe me, the food wasn’t the memorable part, lol).

The ‘meal’ was served in their little restaurant (our decorated kitchen) complete with their handmade menu of breakfast items. Although they’d already chosen what I would have to pick. Because they were limited on what they could make.

Despite my resistance to choosing the ‘special punch’ I was pretty much forced to choose the beverage of questionable ingredients. But I drank it instead of my usual orange juice, knowing it was the thought that counted.

It’s a Blog Hop

MFRW Blog Hop giftIt won’t cost you a thing, and you don’t even have to decide where to hop to next in cyberspace.

Check out these other fabulous authors to discover the best gift they ever got. Perhaps it will inspire you for future gift giving of your own.


What Was the Best Gift You Ever Got?








Authors, blog hop, decision fatigue, gifts, MFRW, overwhelm, writing

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