September 28

How Clutter Crushes My Writing Inspiration

Welcome to this week’s Marketing for Romance Writers (#MFRW) 52-week Blog Challenge with the topic of My Writing Rituals. I’ve discussed my writing process in the past, and how much of it is a struggle with procrastination, and how I must fight to maintain my writing time by battling with the shiny ideas vying for my attention or how I love to light a candle, or turn on my diffuser, to contribute to the relaxing atmosphere.

But before any of the purging of the words onto the page can occur, something else must happen to really get myself into the writing mode. If I don’t do this task, or I try to ignore it, my muse curls up and ignores me, or it keeps stalking away. It has nothing to do with writing, plotting, or character sketches like many other authors may utilize to start their writing process. Nope. But I must do this before I dive into writing.

Clutter = Creativity Crusher

I’ve increased my tolerance for some clutter, and for delaying the endless household tasks to prioritize my writing. Often, I can wait to start writing processdinner, or close the door to the laundry room if I must, or wait another day to vacuum.

It’s heading towards Halloween—can’t cobwebs be part of the decorations?

Well, it works for some things, for a short time, except for these things. Paper and emails.

After years of patiently waiting, I finally gained a writing space. Sometimes when I’m working, I lay out the papers and lists around me to remind me what I need to do next. And it drives me crazy.

I have a need to visualize the tasks ahead of me, but at the same time they distract me and keep me from focusing on my characters and my story.

As I organize, toss, or file each piece of paper I can almost feel the calm washing over me. Once my office looks organized, I must tackle the other task, emails.

Out sight, out of mind? Nope

Scruff, Dog
Scruff is glad he doesn’t have to deal with emails. It would cut into his nap time.



Gotta love them, but I also hate them.

I can never seem to achieve, or then maintain, a zero inbox.

I leave things that I need to address or remember in there like an endless to do list.

Even if I close out of the emails, or close the screens, I know they’re there. Waiting to be tackled. #MFRW #amwriting Click To Tweet

So even though my muse is often at its best when I first get up, and I often take advantage of this during NaNoWri month, usually I must clear out some of the emails first or I’m distracted from writing.

Then to increase my focus, I update my To-do list to get some of the tasks out of my mind so I can listen to my characters better.

Writing Ritual Summarized

  • Clear the clutter
  • Conquer the email
  • Write the To-Do list
  • Purge all the words

Check Out the Other Author’s Writing Rituals

This is a blog hop, so now’s your chance to discover more about the secret writing rituals of authors. Even if mine wasn’t all that exciting of a MFRW writing processritual, who knows, perhaps one of them does something really bizarre.

P.S. My writing ritual has resulted in releasing some of those pesky characters and their stories from my head.

If you’ve been wondering what’s happened with Hope and the rest of my friends at the Last Call, book #2 of The Enchantlings is up for preorder (releases October 31, 2018).

Grab your copy of NOT A CHANCE for your Halloween treat!

Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to join in on all the giveaways and fun gearing up for release day. Plus you get a free story when you sign up.

Do You Have a Ritual to Helps You Get Started With a Task?


Authors, blog hop, Books, clutter, email organization, Halloween, MFRW, New Release, organize, writing, writing process

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