December 28

Memories Are Made from Wedding Disasters


Welcome to this week’s Marketing for Romance Writers 52-week Blog Challenge—the 52ndweek—entitled My Wedding Disaster. Most brides have certain expectations for their perfect wedding day, and usually everything doesn’t live up to that ideal. My wedding had many things that didn’t go as planned. Those are the things that we continue to talk about all these years later.

Little Disasters

Most of those little disasters that happen at a wedding go unnoticed by everyone else except the bride. They aren’t even close to the level of a disaster, but may feel like it on that day.

Since I’ve been married for many years now, perhaps my perspective has changed. #MFRW #wedding Click To Tweet

But I don’t think I felt it was a disaster on that day. I was stressed, as most brides are, but I don’t think I let it ruin my day.

The Best Laid Plans

Things started to go awry right from the get-go on my wedding day. I got up earlier than the rest of the house to have some quiet time to prepare. Especially since my parents’ house only had one bathroom. I’d no sooner gotten into the shower when someone started pounding on the door. So, in summary…

  • My young nephew was sick, and needed in the bathroom, so instead he vomited in the hall
  • The hairdresser got backed up so the bride (me), bridesmaids, and my Mom were all running late and half were unhappy with their hairdo
  • My Mom focused her stress on desperately wanting to make a detour to get a new lipstick—which we had no time to obtain
  • The flowers arrived but some were missing, or incomplete
  • The photographer was early and none of us were ready
  • By the time we arrived at the reception after photographs, we were already running out of some of the booze which lead to…
  • Some people had overindulged a bit too much
  • My Dad invited more people than we were aware of and we were packed in like sardines
  • The groomsmen didn’t realize their role in preparing for the bridal dance (see overindulging)
  • I didn’t get any of my favorite cookies since someone ate the plate saved for me—from the bridal table

And I’m sure there was more. That’s just what I can recall all these years later…Sounds like a disaster, huh? Not to me.

Magical Wedding Memories

wedding memories

I’ve shared stories about our wedding for years, and we all laugh at how the best laid plans go awry.

Those are the memories I have in addition to walking down the aisle, and dancing with my husband, and all the other special moments from that day. In other words, this wasn’t a disaster, but only wonderful memories.


It’s a Blog Hop

MFRW, wedding disaster



I hope you hop around to the other authors to read about their wedding disasters and share in the memories.

I also hope you’re enjoying a wonderful holiday season and preparing for a spectacular new year.


Do You Have a Memory that Seemed Like a Disaster at the Time?


Scruff wishing you a Happy New Year full of treats!




Authors, blog hop, family, humor, magic, memories, MFRW, wedding, wedding disaster

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  1. Oh wow. What a nightmare for you! When my husband and I got married, from the moment we got engage to the wedding (4 months), he’d gained some weight. We were at the alter exchanging our rings and first, I dropped the ring and the Pastor caught it with his bible, and then, his ring didn’t fit.

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