December 7

You’re Gonna Have to Look for The Best Dish I Cook


I get it. Some people love to cook. While others love to eat. I think I’ve already established I’m in the second category. If left to my own devices—and if I wasn’t constantly reminded of the evils of carbs—I might’ve tried to survive on cereal and bagels long ago. So, last week I talked about my favorite holiday food, and I think we quickly established that I’ve got a huge sweet tooth, and I’m more of a baker than a cook, since I shared a bunch of my favorite recipes for baked treats—and a few cocktails.

This week the Marketing for Romance Writers (#MFRW) 52-week Blog Challenge topic is The Best Dish I Cook. Although my hubby loves to cook and does the brunt of the cooking, I’m not completely absolved from whipping up grub for the family a few times a week. I’ll share my not-so-secret-method of gettin’ er done when the writing is waiting. Plus I have a special holiday gift for you.

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Is pretty much my attitude when it comes to cooking.

  • If I see a long list of ingredients—I’m out.
  • There’s a ton of dishes involved—that I’ll have to clean up—Nope.
  • Measurements which need converted and other math-ey stuff—heck no.
  • Ingredient list that requires me to run to the story—no way Jose.
Put it all in a #crockpot and let it cook—you had me at crockpot. #MFRW #recipes Click To Tweet

The Early Bird Loves the Crockpot

cook, recipesMy energy level peaks in the morning and the supply dwindles from there for the rest of the day. Thus, I try to get all the chores that require concentration and thought early on, since by the end of the day even basic tasks feel overwhelming. Therefore, a crockpot recipe is my favorite thing ever. Plus, you get the bonus of smelling it cooking all day if you’re home slaving over words.

But, unfortunately, I’m not someone who can craft my own recipe. I might toss in an extra ingredient here and there, or tweak the recipe after I’ve made it a few times, but I don’t have ‘original’ crockpot recipes to share. (No worries—I’ve got your recipes at the bottom).

But I’m good at directing you to some of my favorite places to score a quick crockpot recipe if you don’t want to Google it.

If I’m not flipping through the binders of recipes I’ve printed (gotta love a binder!) Or the crockpot recipe books I have (yes I still have actual books!) Then I Google for a recipe or go to Allrecipes and check out—you got it—the reviews. (Which is why authors always have reviews at the top of their Christmas list.

Got Recipes? Here’s a Treat For You

I’m not the only writer who’s trying to cut corners on cooking and cleaning to escape into the writing cave. Check out my extras page to see the We’d Rather be Writing book which features a multitude of recipes and timesaving tips— I contributed a tip.

Plus, there are several free books with all kinds of recipes courtesy of my publisher and The Wild Rose Press authors for your free holiday gift.

Feast your eyes on Scruff trying to get in the holiday spirit.

This year, the recipes focus on baking—yes! So I’m sharing Ruthie’s Kuka recipe. You remember, Aunt Ruthie from Destiny Calling and Not A Chance, right? Then you know she knows how to make things delicious like this coffee cake. If you’re already subscribed to my newsletter, you would’ve found out about this free recipe book sooner to get started on your baking early.

The Wild Rose Press, recipes


Fill Your Belly with More Recipes

MFRW, holiday recipesGet your fill of recipes with the other authors on the blog hop as they share The Best Dish I Cook.


But before you go, don’t forget to check out this months contest where you can enter to try to win a gift for yourself. Scroll down for all the details.



Enter Here for your chance to win a gift for yourself this holiday.



Authors, baking, blog hop, crockpot, Destiny Calling, gifts, Giveaway, MFRW, Not a Chance, recipes, The Wild Rose Press

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  1. LOL….I have days when I’d rather just throw together a few ingredients into the crock pot and go about my business! Other times (few and far between, I admit!), I actually FEEL like bringing out my gourmet side. Otherwise, I’m usually a Hamburger Helper kind of gal, ha ha!

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